April 23, 2006

How To Teach Your Child A Lifelong Lesson....

One of my favorite things I have from my mom is a diary she kept for a while when I was about 3 years old. I love looking through it and reading some of the things I did as a child that either made Mom and Dad smile, or absolutely frustrated them. I really like the entries where I made Michael mad! In one of the entries, Michael came running to Mom crying because I had apparently hit him in the head with a hammer (it probably explains why he is like he is to this day). Well, I must say, after having grown up with him....he probably deserved it and I was most likely in the right when I hit him....but Mom wanted to teach me a lesson--We don't hit people with hammers! In order to teach me the lesson, she hit me in the head with the hammer! That is documented child abuse!! I still laugh about it to this day....but I must say, I don't hit people with hammers, so I must have learned my lesson!


Melissa said...

Ok, this is a funny story. I have tried to keep a journal for the girls, but I have to say it's probably been a year since I wrote in it last.
Oh, and I see you stole my idea of the counter. That's ok, because I stole the idea from AP. Oh, and I'm still trying to figure out a cool pic to put at the top of my blog.

Caci said...

Well, I actually got the idea from Windy's blogsite, but then I saw you had one too. I didn't see one on AP's site. I am messing around with fonts and colors today.

Caci said...

my hit counter was giving me some trouble loading...I am still having some trouble with something loading slowly on my page, but I am not sure what it is because everything is there. I had to take away my frog because I thought it was that. I am still working on it. I think it may be my welcome sign which may change soon.